New historical fiction release Author Marissa Hale to Speak on American Wild book

Marissa Hale Speaks About New Historical Fiction Release

Marissa Hale will speak April 11th about her new historical fiction release, American Wild. The book launched late 2023 as a 3-category #1 Hot New Release on Amazon. Invited by the Dorchester Heritage Center, the notable event takes place at downtown Summerville’s historic Timrod Library.

American flag

This American flag, popularly attributed to Betsy Ross, was designed during the American Revolutionary War features 13 stars to represent the original 13 colonies. According to the legend, the original Betsy Ross flag was made on July 4, 1776.

An evening event celebrating the decisions, values, and actions of many of our ancestors, come hear the significance of everyday people 250 years ago. American Wild books in hardcover and softcover will be available for purchase, signed by the author, and light refreshments served. Plus, a great reason to get out and make some new acquaintances.

What Ms. Hale has to say about South Carolina’s Revolutionary significance:

“I love living in South Carolina. As one of the original 13 colonies of the United States, South Carolina embodies historic charm. When I researched the history behind the name “Frenchman’s Knob” in Kentucky 15 years ago, I never dreamed of the adventure that research would lead me into. In fact, it moved me to South Carolina. Now, the whole state is gearing up to celebrate its revolutionary roots over the next nine years. Wow! Talk about a statewide commitment to education,” said Ms. Hale.

The State of South Carolina anticipates all of its counties participating in this multi-year event and historical celebration. First to do so, the Dorchester Heritage Center has invited Ms. Hale to speak on April 11th, 2024. The speech focuses on the significance of South Carolina during the American Revolution as written in her new historical fiction release based on true events, American Wild

1826 Sign posted at Timrod Library Historical Marker

Visit Summerville’s Historic Library and hear Author Marissa Hale speak, or check out her book, American Wild.

Wondering about the connection between “Frenchman’s Knob” and South Carolina’s Lowcountry? We look forward to seeing you at the Timrod! Let’s understand history together.

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